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Class Notes

If you would like to add a comment to this page, please email it to mhs1964@att.net.


February 4, 2025

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is February 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Don't miss our Valentine lunch! 


January 14, 2025

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is February 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Add this date to your calendar!


January 7, 2025

Lunch Bunch: Join us January 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Don't miss the first class lunch of 2025! 


December 10, 2024

Ken Addington: As directed by the class, I extended our registration of the domain name mhs1964.org through 2029 at a cost of approximately $49 per year. This transaction is reflected in the bank balance provide by Mike Telfer. There should no additional expenses for our website. In the event I am unable to manage the website at a future date, Theressa Houchin (Rynard) has volunteered to become a Co-Administrator of our website.


December 10, 2024

Mike Telfer: With all anticipated income and expenses accounted for, our class bank balance is $1,081.85.


December 10, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. The first lunch of 2025 is January 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Start the new year off right.


December 3, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is December 10 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Don't miss the final lunch of 2024!


November 12, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is December 10 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. See you there!


November 8, 2024

Mike Telfer: Mike reported today that after all class reunion income and expenses have been taken care of the class bank balance is $1326.90.


November 5, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next class lunch is November 12 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Don't miss it!


October 11, 2024

Carol Landrum (Styer): I recently had breast cancer surgery right before our reunion. Thank God they got it all but another surgery is scheduled this month to get out all the edges, etc. Love, Carol Styer.


October 11, 2024

Dale Smith: Dale's wife Elaine passed away on September 28, 2024, following a seven-month battle with cancer. Class condolences go out to Dale, his family, and friends.


October 8, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is Novemver 12 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Save this date!


October 2, 2024

Elden Carmichael: The reunion was terrific. It was, however, too short to be able to talk with everyone as much as I wanted. All of you that did the hard work putting it together deserve much praise. Y'all did great. After this reunion, I realize how much I have missed by not being able to attend earlier reunions. I got home in time to prepare for the hurricane. Thankfully in our area there were no deaths or terrible damage, just a bunch of limbs, branches, leaves, etc. However we did lose our power until yesterday. Nothing better than South Georgia heat without air conditioning! HA! I am proud that I was able to spend my high school years with y'all. It is my prayer that life will continue to be good for you in the coming years.


October 1, 2024

Lunch Bunch: October's lunch is on the 8th at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Hope to see you there!


September 28, 2024

Richard Reasoner: Mr. Reasoner sends his regrets to the class. He had planned to attend our reunion. He even gave away his IU home game football tickets because he was coming to our reunion. Unfortunately, he became ill on the morning of our reunion and was unable to attend. It was nothing serious. Future plans for him and his wife include selling their home in Martinsville and moving to an assisted living facility in Greenwood.


September 23, 2024

Reunion News: Class President Elden Carmichael welcomed everyone to the reunion and shared fond memories of his time at MHS and of his life after graduation up to the present time. The class made several important decisions at its 60th Reunion. First, it decided to no longer have a big reunion every five years with a sit-down dinner, a DJ, and a photographer in a rented hall. This will be a money saver for the class and a time saver for those involved in planning and coordinating such an event. Instead, the class will meet annually at noon for lunch on the last Saturday in September. Our first lunch reunion is tentatively planned for Gray Brother’s Cafeteria in Mooresville, IN on September 27, 2025. Secondly, the class decided to change from a Paid Subscription for our website, to a Free With Ads subscription. This will save the class approximately $174 annually. The only notable difference is the presence of pop-up adds when visiting our website. This transition will occur in mid-October of this year. Finally, the class decided to no longer do mailings to classmates. Instead, all communication will be via the class website, www.mhs1964.org. This will result in a savings for the class as postage and printing costs continue to increase. A final postcard will be sent to all classmates who are currently not members of the class website encouraging them to join.


September 20, 2024

Mark Ferguson: We just received word Mark passed away on August 10, 2024. Belated class condolences go out to his family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


September 10, 2024

Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is October 8 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Don't miss it!


September 3, 2024

Lunch Bunch: September's lunch is on the 10th at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Please join us!


August 13, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is September 10 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Hope you can make it!


August 6, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is August 13 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. See you there!


July 22, 2024

Linda Plummer (Alley): We recieved word Linda passed away January 14, 2022. Belated class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.


July 10, 2024

Alfredo Hoyos: After extensive Google searches, we have confirmed Alfredo passed away on December 14, 2020. Belated class condolences go out to his family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary. (In keeping with Spanish language tradition, his obituary refers to him as Alfredo Hoyos Mazuera. Hoyos is the surname of his father and Mazuera is the surname of his mother.)


July 9, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Thanks to Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) for hosting and for baking the tasty desserts. Our next lunch is August 13 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Hope you can make it!


July 6, 2024

Lunch Bunch: In the event of rain on July 9, lunch will move from Tessa's deck to her screened-in porch.


July 2, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is July 9 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water, and dessert. It's hard to beat food and drinks on a deck overlooking a lake in the company of great people. Don't miss it!


July 1, 2024

Patricia Bryant (Everroad): Pat passed away June 28, 2024. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.


June 26, 2024

Sharon Heckman (Huter): We recieved word Sharon passed away April 16, 2021. Belated class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.


June 19, 2024

Jill Schnaiter: We recieved word Jill passed away on January 6, 2012. Belated class condolences go out to her family and friends. Thanks to George Anne Dunigan (Waldron) and Patty Dow for this information.


June 11, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is July 9 at 11:30 a.m. Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) has invited the class to lunch on her deck overlooking the small lake at Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water, and dessert. Hope you can make it!


June 4, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is June 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Immediately following lunch, classmates are asked to stay to fold letters, stuff and seal envelopes, and apply mailing labels and postage stamps for the mailing of class reunion letters. See you there!


May 22.2024

Sue Strader (Voorheis): An obituary for Sue has been added to our In Memory page thanks to Patty Dow.


May 14, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is June 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Immediately following lunch, classmates are asked to stay to fold letters, stuff and seal envelopes, and apply postage stamps in preparation for the mailing of class reunion letters. Hope you can help!  


May 7, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is May 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Hope you can make it!


April 9, 2024

Patty Dow: Patty, wife of Philip Dow, is helping us update information on our In Memory page. She has provided us with missing information and obituaries for more than a dozen classmates. Extracting this information from its scrapbook format and converting it to a Word document format will take time, but eventually the information on our In Memory page will be more complete. Thanks to Patty for all her help.


April 9, 2024

Reunion Committee: We have secured a photographer for the reunion. She will be available throughout the evening to take photos of individuals, couples, small groups, and the entire class. She will post these photos to her website where classmates can download them for free. If classmates want prints, it will be their responsiblity to take the downloaded files to a photo print service such as Walmart.


April 9, 2024

Lunch Bunch: No photo is available for today's lunch. Our next lunch is May 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Please add this event to your calendar!


April 2, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is April 9 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Hope to see you there!


March 12, 2024

Reunion Committee: Our 60th class Reunion is September 21, 2024 at the American Legion Hall in Martinsville beginning at 6:00 p.m. There will be a DJ playing backround music from the 60s. The menu is a work in progress as are several other items. Circle this date on your calendar! All classmates for whom we have mailing addresses will receive letters in mid-June with specific details and a registration form for the reunion. Please check our website periodically for updates.


March 12, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is April 9 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Please plan to join us!


March 4, 2024

Reunion Committee: The Reunion Committee will have an initial planning session at Mis Amigos immediately following the class lunch on March 12. Committee members are listed on our homespage. All classmates are welcome to attend.


March 4, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is March 12 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. We'll be looking for you!


February 27, 2024

Kay Norman (Hollanders): Kay passed away February 26, 2024. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.


February 26, 2024

Frans Hollanders: Frans notified us today of the passing of his wife, Kay, following a long battle with Alzheimer's.


February 13, 2024

Reunion Committee: The Reunion Committee will have it's first planning session at Mis Amigos immediately following the class lunch on March 12. Committee members are listed on our homespage. All classmates are welcome to attend.


February 13, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is March 12 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Please add this date to your calendar.


February 6, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch is February 13 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. See you there Valentine!


January 16, 2024

Paul Stafford Jr.: Paul passed away January 14, 2024. Class condolences go out to his family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


January 9, 2024

Reunion Committee: It's official! Our 60th Class Reunion is September 21, 2024. Save This Date! Several classmates have already shared suggestions for the reunion with the committee. You can see those by right-clicking on the 60th Class Reunion tab. If you have suggestions for the committee, email them to mhs1964@att.net. We will post them under the 60th Class Reunion tab for all classmates to share. Please make sure your mailing address is up to date so we can keep you updated by the USPS. Please right-click on the Missing Classmates tab. If you have contact information for any of these classmates, please email it to mhs1964@att.net.


January 9, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is February 13 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Bring your special someone to get a headstart on Valentine's Day.


January 2, 2024

Lunch Bunch: Our first class lunch of 2024 is January 9 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Start the new year right and join us.


December 30, 2023

Bonnie Lou Leitzman (Kent): Bonnie passed away December 27, 2023. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.




December 12, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our first lunch of 2024 is January 9 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Join us to kick off the new year!


December 6, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Our next class lunch is December 12 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Hope you'll help us kick off the holiday season by joining us.


November 14, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our Christmas lunch is on December 12 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. See you there!


November 7, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Our next class lunch is just one week away. We hope to see you at Mis Amigos on November 14 at 11:30 a.m. Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Circle this date on your calendar.


October 10, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. We'll do this again on November 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Save this date!


October 2, 2023

Lunch Bunch: It's time again to remind classmates of our next class lunch on October 10 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Hope you can make it!


September 13, 2023

Dean Ayers: We received word Dean passed away September 13, 2023. Class condolences go out to his family and friends. Details are unknown at this time. Please continue to check back for updates. 


September 12, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next lunch is October 10 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Update your calendar now!


September 5, 2023

Lunch Bunch: We're meeting for lunch at Mis Amigos on September 12 at 11:30 a.m. Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. See you there!


August 8, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. We are returning to Mis Amigos on September 12 at 11:30 a.m. for our next lunch. Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Add this event to your calendar.


August 1, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for lunch on August 8 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. See you there! 


July 22, 2023

Thomas Barrick: Tom passed away July 16, 2023. Class condolences go out to his family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


July 13, 2023

Ken Addington: Our efforts to locate missing classmates has been greatly aided by Sharon Graves (Fowler). She recently provided us with mailing addresses for several classmates along with the sad news of the passing of some of our classmates. Those classmates are noted below.


July 13, 2023

Larry Hughes: Larry passed away April 25, 1993. Belated class condolences go out to his family and friends. If anyone has more information, please email it to mhs1964@att.net.


July 13, 2023

Tim St. John: Tim passed away June 25, 2012. Belated class condolences go out to his family and friends. If anyone has more information, please email it to mhs1964@att.net.


July 13, 2023

James K. Galyan: Jim passed away June 3, 2022. Belated class condolences go out to his family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


July 13, 2023

Karren McGaughey (Westerfield): Karren passed away February 20, 2023. Belated class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


July 11, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next class lunch is August 8 at 11:30 a.m. See you at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


July 4, 2023

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is Tuesday, July 11 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. See you there! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


July 3, 2023

60th Class Reunion: Postcards with information regarding our next class reunion have been mailed to all classmates. If you did not received one, it means the mailing address we have on file is not correct or missing. Please update your information. If you are a member of our class website, mhs1964.org, please log in and update your mailing address. If you are not a member, please join and update your information. If you have an address change and don't feel comfortable joining mhs1964.org, you can email your new address to mhs1964@att.net.    


June 13, 2023

Reunion Committee: Following today's meeting here's what we know. First, the committe really appreciates the comments from classmates regarding plans for this reunion. Our 60th Class Reunion is scheduled for Saturday, September 21, 2024. It will be the final formal reunion for the Class of 1964. There will be a sit-down meal. There will be a photographer to memoralize the event. There will not be a live band. Instead, there will be recorded 50s and 60s background music. A postcard with more information will be mailed to all classmates in the near future. If you are a member of our class website, mhs1964.org, please log in and make certain your mailing address is correct. If you are not a member, please join and update your information. If you have an address change and don't feel comfortable joining mhs1964.org, you can email your new address to mhs1964@att.net.  


June 13, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Please join us for our next lunch on Tuesday, July 11 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. It's hard to beat a lakeside lunch. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. Hope you can make it! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


June 7, 2023

Albert Hickey: Albert passed away June 6, 2023. Class condolences go out to his family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


June 6, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Our next class lunch is June 13 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Tessa Ballenger (Blackketter) will host the July 11 lunch at her home in Painted Hills. Add these events to your calendar!


June 6, 2023

Reunion Committee: The committee will meet at Mis Amigos immediately following the conclusion of the June 13 class lunch.


June 1, 2023

Ken Addington: We have added a 60th Class Reunion tab to our website. Classmates' suggestions for our 60th Class Reunion will be posted there for classmates to review. To share your thoughts about the upcoming reunion, please email the Reunion Committee. Put mhs1964@att.net in the To line and Reunion Committee in the Subject line of your email.


May 30, 2023

Minnie Viola Richardson (Finchum): Minnie passed away May 29, 2023. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.


May 9. 2023

Class Reunion Committee: It's time to start planning our 60th Class Reunion. The last three reunions have been on the third Saturday in September. If we continue that tradition, September 21, 2024 will be the date of our next reunion. Please let the committee know your thoughts regarding the date, time, place, meal or no meal, band or no band, photographer or no photographer and anything else you deem relevent to the event. Email us your thoughts. Put mhs1964@att.net in the To line and Reunion Committee in the Subject line.


May 9,2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next class lunch is June 13 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome. Tessa Ballenger (Blackketter) will host the July 11 lunch at her home in Painted Hills. Save both dates on your calendar!


May 2, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for lunch on May 9 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. There's always room for one more. See you there! Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville.  Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


April 11, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next class lunch is May 9 at 11:30 a.m. Hope to see you at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


April 4, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for lunch on April 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. Hope to see you there! Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville.  Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


March 19, 2023

Danny Collier: Danny passed away March 17, 2023. Class condolences go out to his family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


March 14, 2023

Dean Ayers: Mike Telfer reported Dean recently relocated to Brown County Health and Living. His mailing address is 55 Willow St, Nashville, IN 47448. His phone number is 240-595-5567. Dean would enjoy cards and/or phone calls from his classmates. 


March 14, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next class lunch is April 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Please add this event to your calendar! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


March 7, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for lunch on March 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. We had our best attendance ever at February's lunch. The more the merrier! Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville.  Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


February 14, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next class lunch is March 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Hope to see you there! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


February 7, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for a Valentine's Day lunch on February 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos. See you there! Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville.  Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


January 10, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 3. Our next class lunch is February 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Save this date! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


January 5, 2023

Ken Addington: Please ignore the notice you received to view new photos in our Photos Albums 1, 2 and 3. I was doing some "housekeeping" in our photos and triggered an automatic alert to you. I apologize for the confusion. However, I would love to post new photos from classmates. You can email them to me at mhs1964@att.net. 


January 3, 2023

Lunch Bunch: Don't miss the first class lunch of 2023! Hope to see you at Mis Amigos on January 10 at 11:30 a.m. Please join us! Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


December 23, 2022

Virginia Rose “Dee” Hamblen (Baker): Dee passed away December 20, 2022. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


December 21, 2022

Roy Thompson: Roy and Stacy send a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year wish to MHS Class of '64 members and their familes.


December 13, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. We are returning to Mis Amigos for our next class lunch on January 10 at 11:30 a.m. Mis Amigos is located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Add this date on your calendar now! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


December 6, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Hope you will join us for the next class lunch at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville on December 13 at 11:30 a.m. Don't miss the last lunch of 2022! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


November 26, 2022

Terrance Eugene “Terry” Owens: Terry passed away November 21, 2022. Class condolences go out to his family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary. 


November 8, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is at Mis Amigos located at 185 Morton Avenue in Martinsville on December 13 at 11:30 a.m. This is our first time at this restaurant. We hope you will join us! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


November 1, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Don't miss the next class lunch at Paula June's located at 44 N. Main Street in Martinsville on November 8 at 11:30 a.m. See you there! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


October 11, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is at Paula June's located at 44 N. Main Street in Martinsville on November 8 at 11:30 a.m. Hope to see you there! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


October 4, 2022

Emily Rose Dunigan (Koon): Rose passed away October 4, 2022. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


October 4, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Hope to see you at the next class lunch at Greek's Pizzeria located at 10 E. Morgan Street in Martinsville on October 11 at 11:30 a.m. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


September 20, 2022

Barbara Thacker (Thomas): We just recieved word of the passing of Barb on August 8, 2022. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


September 13, 2022

Gary Mason: Check out Gary's photo in Photos Album 2. 


September 13, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is at Greek's Pizzeria located at 10 E. Morgan Street in Martinsville on October 11 at 11:30 a.m. See you there! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


September 6, 2022

Please join us for our next lunch at Mr. Gatti's Pizza on Tuesday, September 13 at 11:30 a.m. The address is 620 SR 39 Bypass South in Martinsville. Don't miss it! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


August 9, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is September 13 at 11:30 a.m. The location is Mr. Gatti's in Martinsville. Hope you can make it! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


August 9, 2022

Rita Schell (Laymon): Check out Rita's photo in Photos Album 2. 


August 9, 2022

Rose Mary Hacker (Bronstetter) (Norwood): Rose Mary passed away August 5, 2022. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


August 3, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for our next lunch at Cedar Creek Winery on Tuesday, August 9 at 12:00 p.m. The address is 3820 Leonard Rd., Martinsville. Hope you can make it! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


July 20, 2022

Lunch Bunch: We have a venue! Our next class lunch will be at Cedar Creek Winery. The address is 3820 Leonard Rd., Martinsville. Hope to see you there on Tuesday, August 9. Lunch will begin at noon.


July 12, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is August 9 at 11:30 a.m. The location is unknown at this time. Please monitor our website for updates.


July 7, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for our next lunch on Tuesday, July 12 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. It doesn't get much better than lunch on a deck overlooking a lake. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. Hope you can make it! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


June 14, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. Please join us for our next lunch on Tuesday, July 12 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. Hope to see you there! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


June 11, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Due to the recent change in the location of our next class lunch, this extra reminder is being sent to classmates. Our next lunch will be at Greek's Pizzeria located at 10 E. Morgan Street in Martinsville on Tuesday, June 14 at 11:30 a.m. Be sure to let other classmates know of this change. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


June 6, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Change in plans! Due to the closing of SR 252, our June 14 lunch will not be at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Instead, we are returning to Greek's Pizzeria located at 10 E. Morgan Street in Martinsville on Tuesday, June 14 at 11:30 a.m. Be sure to let other classmates know of this change. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


May 10, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photos from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. Please join us for our next lunch on Tuesday, June 14 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. It doesn't get much better than lunch on a deck overlooking a lake. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. Hope to see you there! Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


May 3, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Our next lunch will be at Greek's Pizzeria located at 10 E. Morgan Street in Martinsville on Tuesday, May 10 at 11:30 a.m. Alternative locations for future lunches will be a topic of discussion. Hope to see your there. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


April 30, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Please disregard the earlier posting about our next class lunch at Beefcake Burgers on May 10. Our next lunch will be at Greek's Pizzeria located at 10 E. Morgan Street in Martinsville on Tuesday, May 10 at 11:30 a.m. Alternative locations for future lunches will be a topic of discussion. Please join us. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


April 12, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is scheduled for Beefcake Burgers in Martinsville on Tuesday, May 10 at 11:30 a.m. Please join us. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


April 5, 2022

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is at Beefcake Burgers in Martinsville on Tuesday, April 12 at 11:30 a.m. Hope you can make it. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


March 8, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is scheduled for Beefcake Burgers in Martinsville on Tuesday, April 12 at 11:30 a.m. Hope you will join us. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


March 7, 2022

Teresa "Terri" Littell (Martin): Terri passed away March 4, 2022. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


March 1, 2022

Jacquie Alexander (Worley): Thank you, Roy, for sharing that important information.


March 1, 2022

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is at Beefcake Burgers in Martinsville on Tuesday, March 8 at 11:30 a.m. Hope you can make it. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


February 28, 2022

Roy Thompson: Roy wants classmates to be aware of the warning signs of a stroke. Visit https://pituitary.org/symptoms/blood-clots-stroke-they-now-have-a-fourth-indicator-the-tongue for more information.


February 8, 2022

Lunch Bunch: Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is scheduled for Beefcake Burgers in Martinsville on Tuesday, March 8 at 11:30 a.m. Hope to see you there. Spouses and significant others are always welcome.


February 1, 2022

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is scheduled for Beefcake Burgers in Martinsville on Tuesday, February 8 at 11:30 a.m. Hope you can make it.


January 30, 2022

Sandra Kinder (Kennedy): Sandi passed away January 28, 2022. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


January 10, 2022

Ken Addington: Due to conflicts in my schedule, I will be unable to attend the January 11 class lunch. I would be most appreciative if someone in attendance would take a group picture and email it to me at mhs1964@att.net.


January 7, 2022

Charlotte Fewell (Chaudion): According to her sister's recent obituary, Charlotte is deceased. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. If anyone has more information about her passing, please email it to mhs1964@att.net.


January 4, 2022

Lunch Bunch: The first class lunch of 2022 will be at Beefcake Burgers on Tuesday, January 11 at 11:30 a.m. Hope you can make it.


December 23, 2021

Roy Thompson: Roy and Stacy wish a MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. 


December 22, 2021

Sharon Graves (Fowler): Sharon sends her Merry Christmas 2021 wishes. Check out her photo in Photos Album 2.


December 17, 2021

Roger Coffin: Roger, aka Lance Cameran, will be performing along with his band on New Year's Eve at the American Legion in Martinsville. Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are available at Roger's law office on South Main Street in Martinsville.


December 14, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. Our first class lunch of 2022 will be at Beefcake Burgers on Tuesday, January 11 at 11:30 a.m. Hope to see you there.


December 7 , 2021

Elizabeth Ann "Libby" Ennis (Sichting): Libby passed away November 25, 2021. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. Class condolences go out to her family and friends.  


December 7, 2021

Lunch Bunch: The last class lunch of 2021 will be at Beefcake Burgers on Tuesday, December 14 at 11:30 a.m. Please join your classmates for some HOLIDAY CHEER.  


December 4, 2021

Patricia Fleener (Holmes): Patricia passed away November 27, 2021. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. There are no plans for services at this time.


November 14, 2021

Micky Hillman (Spradlin): Micky recently celebrated her 75th birthday. Check out a photo from her party in Photos Album 2.


November 9, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. Our next class lunch will be at Beefcake Burgers on Tuesday, December 14 at 11:30 a.m. Hope you can make it.


November 5, 2021

Sue Strader (Voorheis): Sue passed away October 30, 2021. Class condolences go out to her family and friends. There are no plans for services at this time.


November 2, 2021

Lunch Bunch: We are returning to Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville for lunch on November 9 at 11:30 a.m. We have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


October 12, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. Thanks to Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) for hosting today's lunch and for the tasty desserts.


October 5, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for our next lunch on Tuesday, October 12 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. It doesn't get much better than a fall day on a deck by a lake with classmates. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. Hope to see you there!


September 15, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. Please join us for our next lunch on Tuesday, October 12 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. Hope to see you there!


September 7, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for the next class lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 14 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


August 12, 2021

Sandi Kinder (Kennedy): Sandi recently had surgery and treatment for lung cancer. Her last treatment is August 13. She feels blessed she has had minimum side effects from the treatments. A PET scan showed NO CANCER anywhere else. Classmates' prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery would be appreciated. 


August 10, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. We are returning to Beefcake Burgers for our next lunch. It will be on Tuesday, September 14 at 11:30 a.m. Hope you can make it.


August 3, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for the next class lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 10 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


July 20, 2021

Joy Elaine: Check out Joy's South School photo in Photos Album 2. Also, Joy would like to know the year the old MHS building was demolished. If you know the answer, please email it to mhs1964@att.net.  


July 14, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Thanks to Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) for hosting today's lunch. The view of the lake from her deck is very relaxing. Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. We are returning to Beefcake Burgers for our next lunch. It will be on Tuesday, August 10 at 11:30 a.m. Hope you can make it.


July 13, 2021

Dan Collier: Check out Dan's Florida vacation photo in Photos Album 2.


July 6, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for our next lunch on July 14 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. Hope to see you there!


June 23, 2021

Dennis Lanham: Dennis passed away June 21, 2021. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary. Class condolences go out to his wife and our classmate Pam Allen (Lanham).  


June 9, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Thanks to Rita Schell (Laymon) for hosting today's lunch. The cookies and cakes were delicious. Because of rain, lunch was moved from the patio to the garage. Following lunch, Rita gave a tour of her lovely pool and patio area. In addition to the six classmates who were in attendance, Roger Coffin was a virtual attendee courtesy of Mike Telfer's phone. Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. July's lunch will be at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. In the event of rain, lunch will move to her screened-in porch. Hope to see you there!


June 1, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for our next lunch on June 9 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Rita Schell (Laymon) in Shireman Estates. Her address is 240 Grassyfork Lane. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Rita will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. Hope to see you there!


May 12, 2021

Sharon Graves (Fowler): Sharon recently had both hips replaced. Words of encouragement from classmates would be appreciated.


May 12, 2021

Ken Addington: Gary Mason asked for some current demographics about our class. Rather than just answering Gary, I decided to post the information for all classmates to see. We have 291 classsmates in our data base. This number includes several classmates who did not graduate with us in 1964 for one reason or another but were classmates throughout much of our time in school. 81 classmates are deceased and we have no contact information for an additional 25 classmates. 


May 12, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Eleven classmates gathered for lunch today. Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2. Our next lunch is June 9 at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Rita Schell (Laymon) in Shireman Estates. Her address is 240 Grassyfork Lane. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Rita will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. Hope to see you there. July's lunch will be at the home of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) in Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. 


May 4, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for the next class lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 12 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


April 14, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Six classmates and two spouses attended today's lunch. Our private room permits a much larger group to safely gather and social distance away from the general population. We hope more classmates will attend the next lunch on May 12 at 11:30 a.m. at Beefcake Burgers in Martinsville. Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2.


April 6, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for the next class lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 14 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


March 10, 2021

Lunch Bunch: After many cancellations, we were finally able to gather for lunch. The turnout was small, but a good time was had by all. Our private room permits a much larger group to safely gather and social distance away from the general population. We hope more classmates will attend the next lunch on April 14 at 11:30 a.m. at Beefcake Burgers in Martinsville. Check out a photo from today's lunch in Photos Album 2.


March 2, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for the next class lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 10 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


February 25, 2021

Sandi Quakenbush (Sarber): Thanks to Sharon Graves (Fowler) for providing us with Sandi's obituary. Sandi passed away February 21, 2021. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.


February 22, 2021

Sandi Quakenbush (Sarber): We recieved word from Rita Schell (Laymon) of Sandi's passing. At this time, we do not know any details. If any classmates have information about her passing, please email it to mhs1964@att.net. We will continue to search online in hopes of finding more information.   


February 1, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Our February lunch is canceled out of caution for the COVID-19 virus. With the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, we hope to meet for lunch in March. Please continue to monitor this page for information about future lunches.  


January 5, 2021

Lunch Bunch: Our January lunch is canceled due to the continued spike in COVID-19 cases. Please continue to monitor this page for information about future lunches.  


December 31, 2020

Roger Montgomery: Roger passed away December 26, 2020. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary. 


December 20, 2020


Roy Thompson: Roy & Stacey wish the Class of '64 and their families a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY 2021.


December 19, 2020

Sharon Graves (Fowler): Check out Sharon's photos of a family Christmas celebration in Photos Album 2.


December 8, 2020

Sharon Graves (Fowler): Sharon reported Pat Fleener (Holmes) is experiencing some medical issues. Pat would appreciate hearing from her classmates during these difficult times. Her address is Pat Fleener Holmes, 450 Salt Meadow Circle, Apt 207, Bradenton Florida 34208. Please let her know you care.


December 1, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Our December lunch is canceled due to the spike in COVID-19 cases. Please continue to monitor this page for information about future lunches.  


November 11, 2020

Lunch Bunch: After a summer of outdoor lunches, the class met at Beefcake Burgers today. Check out the photo of today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 9 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Hope you can make it!


November 4, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Please join us for the next class lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 11 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


October 19, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 11 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


October 14, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The final open air lunch of 2020 took place today on the deck of Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter). Attendees enjoyed the sunshine, the lake view and great conversation as falling leaves swirled around them and acorns bounced on the deck as they dropped from the trees. Check out the photo of today's lunch in Photos Album 2. Options for November's lunch were discussed but no decision was made. If you are member of our website and elected to receive notifications of updates, you will recieve and email reminder when November plans are finalized. If you have not joined our website, you will need to keep checking for updates.


October 6, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is October 14 at 11:30 a.m. Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) has invited the class to lunch on her deck. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. If it rains, lunch will move to her screened in porch. In all likelyhood, this will be the last of the outdoor lunches for 2020. Don't miss it!


September 9, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Today's turnout was small but very enjoyable under the shade of Tessa's screened in porch. A slip and fall in the shower, a runaway boat trailer and a chilly October dip in the lake were just some of the topics discussed. We really wish more classmates would join us next time. The next class lunch is October 14 at 11:30 a.m. Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) has invited the class to lunch on her deck overlooking the small lake at Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. If it rains, lunch will move to her screened in porch. In all likelyhood, this will be the last of the outdoor lunches for 2020. Don't miss it!


September 1, 2020

Lunch Bunch: With the first day of fall coming later this month, this could be our last chance to dine outside before cold weather. Hope you can make it! Lunch is September 9 at 11:30 a.m. Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) has invited the class to lunch on her deck overlooking the small lake at Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert.


August 13, 2020

Darlene Lawrence (Stierwalt): Darlene passed away August 11, 2020. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.


August 12, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo of today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is September 9 at 11:30 a.m. Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) has invited the class to lunch on her deck overlooking the small lake at Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. If it rains on July 8th, lunch will move to her screened in porch. 


August 9, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The class lunch on August 12 is a go come rain or shine. In the event of rain, Rita's sunroom will provide shelter from the storm. 


August 4, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is August 12 at 11:30 a.m. Rita Schell (Laymon) has invited the class to lunch at her home in Shireman Estates. Her address is 240 Grassyfork Lane. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Rita will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. Hope to see you there. 


July 24, 2020

Paul Stafford: Nikki Stafford notified the class that Paul suffered a stroke on July 14.  He is currently in the ICU at St. Francis Hospital in Greenwood. According to Nikki, Paul has a bleed they haven't been able to locate and that is why he remains in the ICU. Your prayers and good wishes would be appreciated by the family. 


July 20, 2020

Linda Albertson (Davee): Linda passed away July 16, 2020. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


July 8, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo of today's lunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is August 12 at 11:30 a.m. Rita Schell (Laymon) has invited the class to lunch at her home in Shireman Estates. Her address is 240 Grassyfork Lane. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Rita will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. Hope to see you there. 


June 30, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is July 8 at 11:30 a.m. Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) has invited the class to lunch on her deck overlooking the small lake at Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. If it rains on July 8th, lunch will move to her screened in porch. 


June 10, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Check out the photo of today's lunch bunch in Photos Album 2. The next class lunch is July 8 at 11:30 a.m. Tessa Ballanger (Blackketter) has invited the class to lunch on her deck overlooking the small lake at Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert.


June 2, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is June 10 at 11:30 a.m. Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) has invited the class to lunch on her spacious deck overlooking the small lake at Painted Hills. Her address is 1771 S. Mt. Nebo Rd. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. If it rains on June 10th, lunch is moved to June 11th. In the event of rain on both dates, lunch in June is canceled. 


May 25, 2020

Ken Addington: Class Creator, the host of our website, is moving to a cloud-based setup. As they transition to this new system over the next two weeks, you may encounter times when you cannot access our website.


May 5, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Due to the COVID-19 virus our May 13 lunch is canceled. Looking ahead to June 10th, if all is well with the virus and weather permits, Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) has invited the class to her home at Painted Hills where we can enjoy a view of the lake from her deck. Classmates need to bring sack lunches. Tessa will provide soft drinks, water and dessert. Keep monitoring this website for updates.


March 24, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Due to the COVID-19 crisis, our April 8 lunch is canceled. Continue to check this website for updated information about our May lunch.


March 11, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Six classmates enjoyed lunch at Beefcake Burgers today. We hope more classmates will join us when we meet again at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 8 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville.


March 3, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is 11:30 a.m. on  Wednesday, March 11 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


February 26, 2020

Ken Addington: My internet service is working at my new address. Please send your comments and photos to me for posting on our website.


February 23, 2020

Ken Addington: Nancy and I are moving to Avon, IN. We will have a short interruption of internet service as we make the move. If you send a picture or comment for posting, I will get it posted as soon as we get back online.


February 11, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Seven classmates met today for lunch at Beefcake Burgers. We hope more classmates will join us when we meet again at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 11 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville.


February 5, 2020

Lunch Bunch: The next class lunch is 11:30 a.m. on  Wednesday, February 12 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


January 1, 2020

Lunch Bunch: Happy New Year! The first class lunch of 2020 is 11:30 a.m. on  Wednesday, January 8 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


December 11, 2019

Barry Kennedy: Thanks for the video greetings from the Lunch Bunch. The video was a wonderful surprise.


December 11, 2019

Lunch Bunch: Twelve classmates met today for lunch at Beefcake Burgers. We hope more classmates will join us when we meet again at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 8 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville.


December 11, 2019

Roy Thompson: Roy and Stacy wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all Class of 1964 members and their families.


December 10, 2019

Dick Tansel: Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I wish I lived closer. I'd love to join you for lunch.    


December 9, 2019

Barry Kennedy: I want to echo again how much I love everyone in our great class and wish so much I lived closer to be able to attend Mike's concert because I love music of all kinds and the companionship of all of you at the Lunch Brunch gatherings. What a great idea! Thanks to all of you again for our wonderful reunion. I am so glad all of you are staying so close. You all are truly great people and I am so proud to be a member of your class. I hope all of you have a wonderful Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a great Happy New Year celebration as we start another decade! Best wishes to all. Take care and be safe. I hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy! Lastly, "thank you" to all of you who sent me happy birthday wishes. Every year is special for all of us as tomorrows are not guaranteed! Bless you. 


December 7, 2019

Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter): In conjunction with the Martinsville Cookie Stroll, Mike Telfer and his band, The Messengers, will give a "FREE CONCERT" at the First Christian Church at 89 South Main Street from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on December 14. Mike's band plays blues, soul and classic rock and roll with sanctified lyrics. Please come out to support Mike and his band. You do not need to purchase a Cookie Stroll Passport to attend.


December 3, 2019

Lunch Bunch: Our class will meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 11 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


November 13, 2019

Lunch Bunch: Nine classmates met today for lunch at Beefcake Burgers. Good food and great company resulted in a wonderful lunch. We hope more classmates will join us when we meet again at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 11 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville.


November 6, 2019

Lunch Bunch: Our class will meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 13 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


October 10, 2019

Ken Addington: The Reporter-Times ran our reunion picture again today with corrections. The paper's style places maiden names in parentheses.


October 7, 2019

Lunch Bunch: Our class will havie its first ever class luncheon at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 9 at Beefcake Burgers on Morton Avenue in Martinsville. Beefcake Burgers is located in the strip mall across the street from Charlie's Drive-In. We will have a private room for our meal. All classmates are invited. No reservations are needed. Hope you can make it!


October 5, 2019

Ken Addington: Our reunion picture appeared in yesterday's edition of the Reporter-Times. Our married female classmates had their names listed as First Name (Married Name) Maiden Name. The information was sent to the paper exactly as it appears on our 55th Class Reunion page. I'm waiting for a reply from the paper as to why the names were rearranged.


September 29, 2019

Rich & Betty Lou Reasoner: Thank you for the invitation to be your guests at your 55th Class Reunion. It was a most enjoyable evening. As I looked around the room, it made me thankful I did not "SCREW UP" any of the class members.


Jacquie Alexander (Worley): I was unable to attend the reunion last weekend, but I want to tell everyone hello. Nothing much has changed recently in our lives. We are still living in Clemson, SC, the home of the Clemson Tigers national football champs. It is a great little town to live in. Our two children and six granddaughters all live here. For any of you who remember my mother, she will celebrate her 99th birthday in November. She has been living with me for almost ten years now. Her body is giving way little by little, but her mind is still very sharp, for which I am very grateful. She plays bridge regularly and wins regularly as well. My husband Wes and I are still in pretty good shape and are able to enjoy spending time with all the family. This summer I had a chance to get together with Becky Williams (Leonard). It was good to share old memories and to make some new ones. Hoping to make the 60th.


September 26, 2019

Barry Kennedy: This is a big thank you to the reunion committee for putting together a special weekend and to all the people who hosted parties I'm sorry I did not get to attend. It was enjoyable to see wonderful classmates again and 5 years between events does seem like a long time. I want to thank all the people who were so nice to say hello and to offer well wishes and greetings. Our class has to be one of the most talented and special classes Martinsville High has ever experienced. It was nice to see so many of you again after all these years. The In Memory video was very moving and brought back fond memories of those wonderful people who have passed and we will never forget them. With over 250 classmates, being close friends with all was an impossible task. But I always felt a special bond in my adopted hometown of Martinsville in the 8 years my family lived there. Thank you to those who had nice things to say about my dad who treasured, in his late 30's, being your principal and valued all of you and his job at MHS. It means a lot to me to know your thoughts about him whether they were fond memories or testy. He meant well and thought our class was as great as any he ever had and it had nothing to do with me, but with the personalities, talents and wonderful people you all were. I love all of you, your families and loved ones and wish all of you many blessings, great health and happiness every day. Thank you for your friendship and all the memories. Words can never adequately express how much all of you mean to me including those who were unable to attend and those who have passed. I will forever treasure my time at MHS. Most of you never knew what an emotional guy I am, but I speak from the heart with deepest sincerity. You all are incredible! Take care, be safe and God Speed! Thanks again!


September 24, 2019

Joan Musgrave (Miller): I just wanted to send a note to let everyone know I will certainly miss being at the class reunion this year. All is well, I have out of town guests coming this weekend. It was not my choice of the date but they already had their plane tickets etc. Since the last reunion, I have had a bout with cancer going the whole nine yards of surgery, chemo and radiation. It has been two years and so far and my health seems to be going well. I also remarried a couple years ago to a wonderful man, Jay. My husband had passed away 6 years ago and Jay's wife 9 years ago. We have a great time together bowling, golfing, church and a multitude of other interests. God willing, I will make the next reunion. Maybe we shouldn’t wait another 5 years in this stage of our lives! Take care and have a great fun filled weekend.


September 24, 2019

Terry Brummett: Terry passed away September 23, 2019. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary. 


September 22, 2019

Roy Thompson: Stacy and I want to say, "THANKS," to the reunion committee for a job well done and to Gary and Janet for the drinks.


September 21, 2019

Maryann Fulford (Wooster): Maryann is in St. Vincent Hospital on 86th Street awaiting knee surgery due to a recent fall. Class wishes for a speedy recovery go out to her.


September 20, 2019

Donald Fields: Don passed away September 10, 2019. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


September 13, 2019

Edward M. Hargis: We received word today of Eddie's passing on August 30, 2019. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


September 12, 2019

Sandra Young (Alexander): Sandy passed away September 7, 2019. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary.


September 11, 2019

Reunion Committee: Last call! You can still join the forty-six classmates and two teachers who are planning to attend. Click on the 55th Class Reunion tab for more information about making reservations.


August 31, 2019

William Greeson: We received word today of William's passing on May 10, 2018. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


August 29, 2019

Reunion Committee: It's not too late! We're still taking reservations for our class reunion. Why not join your forty-two classmates who have already registered? Click on the 55th Class Reunion tab for more information. 


August 27, 2019

Gary Mason: Check out Gary's photo in Album 2 on our Photos page.


August 26, 2019

Sheila Ann Shireman (Puckett): Class condolences go to Sheila on the recent passing of her husband Bob. Visit www.costinfuneralchapel.com to view his obituary.


August 7, 2019

Elaina V. Steirwalt (Carmichael): Elaina passed away July 31, 2019. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


July 15, 2019

Orval Nuetzman: Orval's widow notified the class today of his passing on December 31, 2014. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


July 8, 2019

Kenny Frye: Kenny passed away July 5. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.  


June 26, 2019

Rita Schell (Laymon): Check out Rita's photo in Albumn 2 on our Photos page.  


February 8, 2019

Ken Addington: Thanks to Sharon Graves (Fowler) for sending me some "happy" news to post. Check out her 50th wedding anniversary pictures on our Photos page.  We can never have too much happy news. There are more than 200 classmates still out there. Please email some of your happy news and/or photos to me    


February 5, 2019

Ken Addington: I enjoy managing our website. Of late, there's been no joy in my job. My last seven posts have been to notify the class of the passing of another classmate. I'd like to post some happy news, but I can't do it without your help. Please email some happy news to me. Attaching a photo would be even better. I'm leading by example. Check out our Photos page to see my Christmas photo.


Febuary 2, 2019

Virginia Hawkins (Holsapple): Virginia passed away Februrary 1. Visit our In Memory page to view her obituary. 


January 29, 2019

Philip "Phil" Austin Powell: Phil passed away January 23, 2019. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


January 29, 2019

Rodney Fox: We received word from Jane McGinnis (Collinsworth) of Rodney's passing on November 30, 2017, from complications following a meniscus surgery. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


January 8, 2019

Ed Sedwick: Ed passed away December 6, 2018. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


October 11, 2018

Teddy "Jay" Ferran, Jr.: Jay passed away October 7, 2018. Visit our In Memory page to view his obituary.


October 6, 2018

Denis Graham: We received word from Peggy Graham of Denis' passing on September 15, 2017, after an extended battle with lung cancer. Visit our In Memory page for his obituary.


October 1, 2018

Sheila Gray: Services for Sheila will be Saturday, October 27, 2018, at Liberty Christian Church, 2010 Liberty Church Road in Martinsville. Calling begins at 10:00 a.m. with a Memorial Service at 11:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory can be made to Alaska Christian Church in care of Michael Stockwell, 12800 W CR 400 N, Quincy, IN 47456. Dress is casual. Please bring your fondest memories of Sheila to share with friends.   


September 30, 2018

Sheila Gray: Keith Gray notified us that Sheila passed away today. No services are planned at this time. However, plans are being made for a memorial service in late October at Liberty Christian Church in Martinsville.


September 11, 2018

Ken Addington: Some classmates have asked, "How do I update my Contact Info?" To update your Contact Information, follow these steps. After logging in, left-click on the  icon at the top right corner of the web page. When the dropdown box appears, left-click on Edit Contact Info. When your Contact Information appears, make the necessary changes. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and left-click on SAVE CHANGES


September 10, 2018

Ken Addington: Our most recent email about our 55th Class Reunion came back as undeliverable for Rolande Webb (Burch), Thomas Barrick, Joy Elaine and Connie Burkett (Johnson). If you know how to get in touch with any of them, please ask them to update their Contact Info on our website.


September 10, 2018

Ken Addington: The Reunion Committee held its first planning meeting today for our 55th class reunion in 2019. As details become available, information will be posted on our website. Also, be on the lookout for emails and postal mailings. Please make sure your Contact Info is up to date for your postal address and your email address.  


August 1, 2018

Pat Bryant (Everroad): According to Carol Landrum (Styer), Pat had surgery last week for a tumor between her ear and brain. Pat also had follow-up surgery on an eyelid that would not close. She is currently at her daughters, awaiting the start of radiation treatments. As her friend, Carol is asking everyone to pray for Pat's recovery.


June 27, 2018

Marvin Nash: Marvin passed away June 25, 2018. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary. 


June 16, 2018

Jerry Vogel: Jerry passed away June 11, 2018, following a long illness. Visit our In Memory page for more information.


May 11, 2018

Betty Jean Skaggs (Painter): Betty passed away May 8, 2018. Visit our In Memory page to read her obituary. 


April 15, 2018

Wayne Vaught: We received word Wayne passed away March 20, 2018. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary. 


April 4, 2018

Sheila Gray: Sheila's brother, Keith Gray, reported her status has changed from rehab to long term care patient at Meadow Lakes in Mooresville. He mentioned how much Sheila would enjoy receiving cards or notes from her classmates. Her addres is Sheila Gray, 200 Meadow Lakes Dr, Rm 107, Mooresville, IN 46158. 


March 9, 2018

Sheila Gray: We received word today from Sheila's brother that she is rehabing at Meadow Lakes in Mooresville following a hospital stay. Cards of caring and encouragement would be appreciated. Her addres is Sheila Gray, 200 Meadow Lakes Dr, Mooresville, IN 46158.


February 23, 2018

Rita Schell (Laymon): Class condolences to Rita on the recent passing of her husband Roger. Visit www.nealandsummers.com for information about funeral arrangements.


December 29, 2017

Jill Ann Nutter (Keller): Jill passed away December 24, 2017. Visit our In Memory page to read her obituary.


December 6, 2017

Barry Kennedy: First let me thank all my wonderful classmates who wished me a Happy Birthday on the 5th. It was so good to hear from you and I really appreciate all of you as I have tried to share. I do not know if this is true or not but I started first grade in a little country school in southern Indiana when my dad got his first coaching job and they had 3 grades in each classroom. They begged my parents to start me at age 4 years and 3 months. The truth is I was supposed to be in the class of '65 which also has great people in it. Supposedly, I was the youngest person in our class but that could be hearsay. I just know I feel so blessed that I ended up in the class of '64. I was barely 17 when I graduated. Lastly, I want to share that I broke my phone and had to get a new number for my new phone. You can call or text me at 772-643-1409. God willing, I hope to see everyone at the next class reunion. God Bless all of you and I hope all of you and your loved ones are happy and well. After this past hurricane season, I might end up back in Indiana. Hurricanes are not fun :) :)!! Take care and be safe everyone! 


November 30, 2017

Roy Thompson: Greetings from Roy and wife Stacy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL!


October 13, 2017

Ken Addington: Check out Ken's recent addition to our Photos page.


October 7, 2017

Veralyn Holloway (VanCise): Veralyn and her husband Bob will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, November 11. You are invited to join them from 1:00 to 4:00 for fellowship and refreshments at the Brookhaven Wesleyan Church Fellowship Center in Marion, IN. The address is 2960 E 38th St. Their career paths led both to serve as ministers in the Wesleyan Church. Bob is still working part time at this calling. They are the parents of 3 children. Call Paul at 260-997-8344 for more information. If you wish to drop them a card, their address is 2645 E Ptamign Trail, Marion , IN 46953.      


June 22, 2017

Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter): Check out Tessa's recent additions to our Photos page.


December 20, 2016

Jack Burpo: Jack passed away December 18, 2016. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


October 26, 2016

Cecil “Guinn” Wells: Guinn passed away October 23, 2016. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


October 19, 2016

Barry Kennedy: To all my good friends and classmates of 1964… I moved to Vero Beach, Florida in October. I'm a caretaker for my oldest daughter who has Sjogrens disease which led to Lupus in my wife and caused her passing 3 years ago. She is a 38 year old single mother with an 11 year old daughter and I needed to move them near all my relatives in Florida so if anything happens to me, they will not end up in a homeless shelter. She cannot work and they are on SSI. My granddaughter also has health issues.  

I have had a blessed life and miss all of you who are part of our great class. Martinsville will always be my hometown to me and I miss everyone who was a member of our class. I personally feel all of our b-ball team should be in the MHS Hall of Fame. I realize I may not have seemed congenial to some of you in school but it was never intentional or due to arrogance. There was a shy side of me that made it difficult to share my feelings like I should have, but it was really hard being Ray Kennedy's son in our school. Dad was only in his late 30's/early 40's during his time as principal there. I was verbally and physically assaulted 2-3 times by students in school (not our class), but I was very cautious in my behavior because Dad was not easy on me at home if he thought I was stepping out of line. I remember Jimmy Wilson having his desk fall over in a fake seizure with a sub once in Mae's class and 2-3 of us went to the rest room with him. The sub was really shaken. It was a great prank, but my dad heard about it and I was grilled that night hard about what happened. A memory that lives within me for the ages.  

I love all of you, wish you all the best of health, wealth, and great fortunes, and I hope I get to see all of you at the next reunion. Thanks to all of you who help with our great events. I love you all and you will always be in my heart. Our class was the most special one to ever go thru MHS.  Pardon my bias! Take care and be safe.

My new address is 1523 Lexington SQ SW, Vero Beach, Florida  32962. I can be called or texted at 540-379-3134. I love following many of you privately on Facebook. May the Wind Be Always at Your Back... as part of the Irish Blessing goes!


October 19, 2016

Phillip Brown: Phil passed away October 17, 2016. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


October 8, 2016

Thomas A. Dunn: Tom passed away October 5, 2016. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


September 22, 2016

Robert Harlan Ard: We received word that Robert passed away September 2, 2016. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary. Our condolences go out to his wife and our classmate Wannetta Martin (Ard).  


July 13, 2016

Karen Sue Hastings (Evans): Class condolences go out to Sue on the recent passing of her husband, Don.


June 10, 2016

Peggy Ann Bridge (Rich): Peggy passed away June 6, 2016. According to Mary Fulford (Wooster), Peggy was a victim of lung cancer. Visit our In Memory page to read her obituary.


April 21, 2016

Loyd J. Hacker: Loyd passed away April 15, 2016. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


Janurary 8, 2016

Ken Addington: Help! We have lost contact with Rolande Webb (Burch). If you know how to contact her, please ask her to get in touch with me at mhs1964@att.netThanks.


January 7, 2016

Ken Addington: The following message was sent to all classmates for whom we have email addresses. For those of you who have not provided us with an email address, the message is posted here. Fall vacations and holiday celebrations have come and gone. I'm sure there are photos from these events that would look great on our website. Please email them to me at mhs1964@att.netIf you're not sure how to email them to me, put them in an envelope and mail them to me at Ken Addington, 2760 E Morgan St, Martinsville, IN 46151. No photos, no problem! Send me some news about what 's going on in your life.


December 19, 2015

Adrain Thomas Stanger: Tom passed away December 16, 2015. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary. 


December 2, 2015

Betty Walker (Seitzinger): Betty passed away November 27, 2015. Visit our In Memory page to read her obituary.


December 1, 2015

Ken Addington: Since our site went online at its new host on September 11, 2014, it has been visited 7407 times. Please continue to check in from time to time. Be sure to send us your photos and information about what is going on in your life.


May 25, 2015

Roger Coffin: Our condolences go out to Roger. His wife, Patty, passed away May 22. Visitation will be May 27 from 4-8 p.m. and May 28 from 10-11 a.m. at Neal & Summers Funeral and Cremation Center in Martinsville. Services will be 11 a.m. on May 28 at the center.


May 19, 2015

Larry Holt: There will be a celebration of life for Larry Holt at 7 p.m. on May 20 at the Grace Church, located on SR 67 in Camby, IN.


March 30, 2015

Jerry Vogel: Our belated condolences go out to Jerry whose wife, Lisa, passed away in December of 2014.


March 23, 2015

Ken Addington: Karl Dorff posted a comment on our In Memory page regarding the passing of Larry Holt. In part, Karl said, "I'm especially sorry I never took the time to express to Larry how much his friendship meant to me. Perhaps my error can be a lesson to some of my classmates who may read this." Thanks Karl, I learned from your post.

I was new to Martinsville between my junior and senior year of high school. It was a long and boring summer until one evening there was a knock on the door and on the porch were four faces I didn't know. They welcomed me to Martinsville and included me in their group throughout the remaining summer and my senior year. It was great to be among friends. I want to say to Jim Wilson, Dan Collier, and Barry Kennedy, "Thank You! You were and are special friends." I waited too long for Steve Curtis to read this. I'll post it on our In Memory page.


March 21, 2015

Larry Holt: Larry passed away March 15, 2015. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


March 12, 2015

Larry Holt: Larry needs our prayers and support as he battles pancreatic cancer. If you would like to send him a card or letter, left-click on the Members Only tab to view his mailing address.


March 3, 2015

Virginia "Ginny" Wigal (Carmichael): Ginny Passed away March 1, 2015. Visit our In Memory page to read her obituary.


March 1, 2015

Joyce Tedrow (Silletti): I've written a book that will be available for purchase on Amazon beginning St. Patrick's Day. The title is Path of Sweetness by Joy Elaine (I'm in process of changing my name.) I hope my classmates, and others, will find the content very encouraging.


January 28, 2015

Ken Addington: Though he was not a classmate, Bill "Tut" Tutterow was a teammate on our 1964 "Sweet 16" basketball team. Tut passed away this week. His obituary can be viewed by clicking on the following link.  http://www.costinfuneralchapel.com/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=2932782&fh_id=11911


January 26, 2015

Glen Elser: We received word from Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter) that Glen passed away earlier this month. The cause of death is believed to be a heart attack. If anyone has more details, please forward them to us at mhs1964@att.net.


December 9, 2014

Sandi Quakenbush (Sarber): John & Sandi Sarber are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversay on December 27. The family is requesting messages of congratulations, along with memories, be sent to limebug2007@yahoo.com. These congratulations and memories will be compiled into a book and presented to them as part of the celebration of their anniversary. 


December 5, 2014

John Sink: We received an email from David Shafer that John passed away yesterday at his home in Longwood, FL, from respiratory complications arising from a heart attack. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


November 12, 2014

Inez Allen (June): We received word from Sue Strader that Inez passed away last week. According to Pat Bryant, Inez lost her battle with cancer on 11/7/2014. That's all the information we have at this time. Please contact us if you have more details.


October 9, 2014

Dick Tansel: I'm living in Beech Grove, IN, where I'm enjoying the life of retirement. I work some, rest some, and enjoy all that life brings.


September 16, 2014

Ken Addington: If you know the military branch of service for Dean Christie or Jim Hopkins, please email me at mhs1964@att.net.


September 16, 2014

Jacquie Alexander (Worley): Greetings! I can't be at our reunion this year, but wanted to send my best wishes to everyone there. My husband and I now live in Clemson, SC. My mother has been living with us for the last four years. She no longer has a home in Indiana. Our two children and six granddaughters also live in Clemson, and we get to babysit often. We are well. Thank you to the committee for all the work you have done over the years to plan and hold the reunions and manage the website. Your work is appreciated. Have a great time!


September 8, 2014

Craig Cramer: Greetings! I am still alive and well 50 years after high school. I finally finished growing up sometime before I was 30 (if men ever grow up). By that time I was working many hours a week at my chosen profession. After high school, I became a barber, moved to Indianapolis, and owned my own barber shop by 1974. With retirement just around the corner, we down-sized our home and now my wife, Ethel, and I live in New Palestine, IN. We enjoy our grandchildren and look forward to many more good years. Check out Craig's picture on our PHOTOS page.


August 12, 2014

John Whitaker: Greetings from North Carolina. After 35 years at Allison's and 13 years as the President of Union Bible College, I moved to North Carolina in July 2013 along with my wife, Genille.


June 24, 2014

Judy Jones (Lowry): Judy passed away June 23, 2014. Visit our In Memory page to read her obituary.


June 5, 2014

Steve Yates: Steve passed away June 2, 2014. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


May 22, 2014

Patricia Mayo (Holmes): Pat passed away May 14, 2014. Visit our In Memory page to read her obituary.


March 21, 2014

Morris "Dean" Christie: Dean passed away April 4, 2014. Visit our In Memory page to read his obituary.


March 23, 2014

Patty Meith (Moffat): I live in Jacksonville, FL, with my husband. He retired after 20 years of military service. We lived in Germany 8 of those years and now enjoy the warm Florida weather. Life has been good. We keep busy with golf, the beach, and our kids. We have 3 children and 7 grandkids.


March 21, 2014

Diana Dawson (Tansel): Diana passed away March 19, 2014. Visit our In Memory page to read her obituary.


February 5, 2014

Sweet 16: Check out a picture of the MHS Sweet 16 basketball team on our PHOTOS page.  Three classmates are pictured.


November 13, 2013

Sharon Graves (Fowler): Check out Sharon's vacation pictures on our PHOTOS page.


September 24, 2013

Dan Collier: Dan says, "Hi!"  He was back in Martinsville this week for his mother's funeral. Dan and his wife, Marilyn, live in Sparta, NJ. They are the parents of 4 children and have 9 (soon to be 10) grandchildren. Dan has been retired for 7 years.


August 24, 2013

James Lee Peedin: Jim was a member of our class, but he did not attend MHS his senior year. We recently learned of his passing.


July 13, 2013

Glen Drake: Information was received recently from Robert Ard regarding the passing of Glen Drake on March 12, 2012.


July 7, 2013

Anita Sadler (Schnaiter): I have two children and 7 grandchildren of which the oldest is 15. I retired as Director of Acute Rehabilitation Nursing at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center's Rehab Institute in the South Bend/Mishawaka area after planning, coordinating, and moving patients to the new facility. That was the summer of 2010 and since then I am enjoying my divorce from pagers, cell phones and problem calls all day and into the night. I am traveling, wintering in Naples, FL, and maybe this year Australia. I love gardening, hiking, biking, and watching my very talented grandchildren play hockey, baseball, lacrosse, volleyball, and girl's basketball which is greatly more competitive than the half court that was so boring in the 60s. Check out Anita's picture on our PHOTO page.


June 3, 2013

Carol Landrum (Styer): Check out Carol's picture on our PHOTO page.


April 29, 2013

Ronald L. Taylor: Ron passed away April 26, 2013. 


April 11, 2013

Bob Carrigan: Bob passed away January 31, 2013.


April 7, 2013

Nancy Ooley: Nancy passed away April 4, 2013.


March 29, 2013

Sue Strader (Voorheis): Our condolences go out to Sue. Her husband, Edward Voorheis, passed away March 27, 2013.


March 18, 2013

Minnie Richardson (Finchum): Thanks to Minnie, we removed another name from our MISSING CLASSMATES page. She reported Ronnie Ostler is living in Martinsville, IN. Please check our MISSING CLASSMATES page. We need your help finding these people.


January 25, 2013

Dave Shafer: Thanks to Dave, we removed another name from our MISSING CLASSMATES page. He reported Robert Carrigan is living in Hendersonville, TN. Please check our MISSING CLASSMATES page. We need your help finding these people.


October 26, 2012

Ken Addington: Check out Ken's vacation picture on our PHOTOS page.


July 23, 2012

Robert Eugene Speelman: Mr. Speelman, age 87, passed away July 9, 2012, at his Yuma, AZ, home. He was a guidance counselor and varsity football coach at MHS and a veteran of the U.S. Navy.


July 14, 2012

Dorothy Mae Gibbs (Carroll): Dorothy passed away July 10, 2012.


June 18, 2012

Suanne Lowry (Swinney): Sue passed away June 16, 2012.


April 5, 2012

Sharon Graves (Fowler):Sharon has posted some Babe Ruth baseball photos on her Facebook page featuring several classmates. Click on the following link. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.369045389783316.83768.100000335752613&type=1&l=6b8655d623


March 4, 2012

Sharon Graves (Fowler): Sharon has posted some photos of grade school, junior high school, and high school on her Facebook page. If you would like a trip down memory lane, click the following link. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.360315127323009.81856.100000335752613&type=3&l=277e48885f


January 12, 2012

Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter): Thanks to Tessa, we removed another name from our MISSING CLASSMATES page. Guinn Wells is alive and well in Indianapolis, IN. Please check our MISSING CLASSMATES page. We need your help finding these people.


January 7, 2012

Frans Hollanders: Thanks to a tip from Frans, we recently located two missing classmates. Robert Ard and his wife, Wannetta Martin-Ard, are alive and well in Smiths Grove, KY. Please check our MISSING CLASSMATES page. We need your help finding these people.


January 6, 2012

Stephen R. Curtis: Steve passed away January 4, 2012.


November 23, 2011

James L. Hopkins: Jim passed away November 21, 2011.


September 2, 2011

Naverne Willie: Mr. Willie passed away August 30, 2011. He taught history and coached track at MHS.


July 20, 2011

Ken Addington: Members of the 1964 "Sweet 16" basketball team will have a reunion on July 30 at 4:00 p.m. at Jimmy Nash City Park, Shelter House #4. Spouses/significant others are invited.


March 2, 2011

Ken Addington: Thanks to teammate Mike Bex, the 1963-64 Artesian basketball season lives again. Mike wrote an article chronicling the season that was recently published in the Indiana Basketball History Magazine Winter Edition 2011.


February 24, 2011

Keith Gray: Sheila Gray has returned home after three long months of recuperating from complications associated with her heart surgery. Thanks to everyone for your cards and prayers during this time. Cards can be sent to her at 1430 E Columbus St., Martinsville IN, 46151.


January 31, 2011

Keith Gray: Sheila Gray is back at the Nursing Center for further rehab. She is working hard to get out of there in the next month or so. Cards can be sent to her at 1430 E. Columbus St., Martinsville, IN 46151. Please keep her in your prayers. This has been a long winter for her thus far!


January 20, 2011

Keith Gray: Sheila is back in ST. FRANCIS HEART CENTER after undergoing another heart surgery this past week. She is being treated for a severe infection in her chest cavity. More surgery is scheduled for the week of January 24. Cards and notes from classmates would be appreciated and can be sent to her at 1430 E. Columbus St., Martinsville, IN 46151.


December 17, 2010

Rolande Webb (Burch): My sister, Scarlett, passed away this morning in her sleep.


December 12, 2010

Rolande Webb (Burch): For those of you who know her, my oldest sister, Scarlett has liver cancer. No treatment has helped so I think we are going to lose her. So sad. No one deserves that sort of pain. We are dealing with it the best we can. It's just hard to believe this could be happening. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


December 9, 2010

Keith Gray: Sheila Gray had quadruple bypass heart surgery December 1 at St. Francis Heart Center and is rehabbing in Martinsville at this time. Cards and notes from classmates would be appreciated and can be sent to 1430 E. Columbus St., Martinsville, IN 46151.


December 3, 2010

Carol Landrum (Styer): I received an email from Keith Gray that Sheila Gray, his sister, had a heart attack. Sheila is recovering at St. Francis Hospital. Please put her on your prayer list. For more info, email keith.gray@aes.com.


October 31, 2010

Patty Phillips (Arvin): From Martinsville, I moved to South Bend, IN, after a couple of years on the IU campus. I married Russell Arvin in 1969. I taught elementary school for 3 years, and he went back to college for his business degree. My job paid the bills; his college was paid for by the GI bill--fortunately! We both graduated from IU. Daughter #1 was born and I taught for 1 more year. He graduated, and as daughter #2 was in "the incubator", we moved to Chicago for a brief time (not brief enough for me!). There, he trained with the government to become an IRS agent. The week following the end of that training, he was able to transfer to Mishawaka, IN. That enabled us to stay in our home (which was NOT in Chicago), but he drove 45 minutes each way--even in the horrible "lake-effect-snow" winters. We had our final child, another girl, in 1978--the blizzard of '78...and that is another story! We spent the next several years nesting--our girls growing all the while. Once they were of school age, I tried to get a teaching job. But, at that time, in Indiana, your way into a teaching job was substituting or knowing the right person. Since I didn't know the right person, it was the substitute route. Now, you remember what happens to substitutes..... Not a pretty picture. (I also had my life license as a teacher, which cost school systems more money than did the entry level graduate). We moved about 3 more times, each time going through the route of subbing. At one time, I thought I had a job for an upcoming school year. The principal really liked me, and told me I'd have a spot. One problem. He decided to go back to teaching--preferred to teach rather than settle squabbles and red tape. That being done, I bid farewell to subbing and teaching forever! I did some short term jobs which I really enjoyed--like working in a store bakery when the bakeries actually did things almost from scratch. I even made doughnuts, from beginning to end, and thoroughly enjoyed that! I've been an executive assistant for a number of years. And I actually worked in the shipping department (that would be just me) for a small business; hand-designed and made pillows in a specialty pillow shop. When we moved to Charlotte, I took one of my last jobs as an E.A.  About a year later, my mother's health was failing. Rather than take family leave, I resigned that job so that I could go out to Arizona and be with her whenever I wanted. That didn't last long.  From the onset of her dementia to her death was only 1½ to 2 years. God was good in granting me the privilege of being with her as she breathed her last. (Yes, Mrs. Phillips, the Latin teacher of old MHS died May 28, 2002!) It was an incredible passing, for even in the small details, her hospice room had a CD that included "Ave Maria" and another song in Latin. Now, how fitting was that for a Latin teacher? Our girls are scattered: 2 are in Fort Wayne, IN, and the other is in Arizona , married, and working for AmEx. I have only one grandchild--a 13 year old boy. (He will turn 14 on Christmas Eve this year). Although my husband is retired, he is managing to do more and more for Liberty Tax. During the tax season, there is a really good franchise for which he works. My work consists of mostly being a domestic engineer. I get out with my friends when I want. I have a great yoga class 3-4 times a week. And Russell and I have taken up square dancing again. We both really like Charlotte, NC. More and more Yanks are finding this a nice place to settle for retirement. And that's okay, as long as they behave and act responsibly! It is green all year round, since we have both conifer and deciduous trees. There are also flowers of all sorts that take their turns blooming throughout the year. Needless to say, it's a high pollen location. There is almost a lifetime to tell, but I think this is enough about me and my family. We have been very blessed. Every day I awake, it's a good day! Although I'm on Facebook, I prefer to write via email. So, if anyone really wants to get in touch with me, email me at paarvin@carolina.rr.com. Please put "MHS classmate" in the subject line.


October 26, 2010

Carol Landrum (Styer): We had to put mom in the nursing home and I'm burning up the road to Spencer.


August 5, 2010

Pam Driscoll (Guinn): After 39½ years with Duke Energy, I am happy to announce my retirement to spend more time with my family, my husband, my 7 and 10 year old grandsons, Luke and Evan. Also, Larry and I have been married 20 years this year so we'll be traveling to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, where we spent our honeymoon, for our 20th anniversary. Also, we plan spending time in Florida in January this winter to have a break from the Indiana normal snow. Then we can be officially be labeled snowbirds. I hope to get reacquainted with my home and being a housewife full time and part-time everything else. It has already been a year since our last class reunion. My how time flies. I hope all classmates are retired or retiring soon and enjoying life. See you all in 4 years.


June 2, 2010

Ken Addington: Mike Bex, class of 1965, was in Martinsville Memorial Day weekend to visit friends and family and to attend the Indy 500.  This was Mike's 55th year to attend the race. Mike currently lives in Charleston, SC.  As a member of the 1963-64 MHS semi-state basketball team, Mike has fond memories of that special season and would love to hear from his team mates. His email address is mbex@bellsouth.net.


May 1, 2010

Connie Kay Burkett (Johnson): Frankly, it will be two years since the passing of my husband, William R. Johnson, and I don't know if any of my former classmates have yet to lose the mate of many years to be left wondering what else is there. Some chuckle that you go back to your high school years, but having my high school sweetheart as my spouse for so many years, sometimes it seems the right thing to revisit the familiar. Is there a classmate out there that has lost his or her spouse, or maybe a child, and looking to reconnect with the good old days when life seemed so pure and so much ahead to gain? IF so, I would love to talk with you. I can be contacted at bijohnson@aol.com or cjohnson112@indy.rr.com or 317-896-1057. God bless and I hope to hear from someone out there. Life is good. Connie Kay Burkett-Johnson, widow of William Roy Johnson, both classmates of 1964.


March 23, 2010

Ken Addington: If you have comments about Miss Shufflebarger and/or Mr. West you wish to share with classmates, please email them to me at mhs1964@att.net for posting on our website.


March 22, 2010

Charles R. West: Mr. West passed away March 17, 2010. He taught government and was our class sponsor.


February 17, 2010

Georgann Shufflebarger: Miss Shufflebarger passed away February 14, 2010.


January 28, 2010

Ken Addington: I had hip replacement surgery earlier this week. I'm recuperating at home. I'll have lots of time on my hands for the next 2-3 weeks. It would be a great time to sit at the computer and update our website with new photos and news items from classmates. I'm looking forward to receiving photos and news items from you.


December 26, 2009

Mike Telfer: The following message was received from Mike on 12/24/09. Merry Christmas from Iraq (over here, it’s already His birthday).


December 2, 2009

Harry "Butch" Foster: Butch passed away 10/9/09. He was a lifelong resident of Martinsville. Butch was employed as a delivery person for Papa John's Pizza. Previously, he worked several years as a school custodian for the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville.


July 19, 2009

RoseMary Hacker (Bronstetter): I moved back to Martinsville about 5 years ago. I would love to hear from my classmates. My email address is rosehlb1945@yahoo.com. My family has grown by leaps and bounds. I am mother of 4, grandmother of 19, and great-grandmother of 11. I know that sounds like a lot, but my oldest son married a lady with a family of her own. I love them all! Guess I have bored you enough about me. I am so happy to see this website. As I said, I would love to hear from any of my classmates. Be kind, bless all of you, and keep the Lord with you always.


March 20, 2009

Jimmie Kent: Jimmie passed away March 15, 2009.


March 20, 2009

Ken Addington: My computer was down for several days. I apologize for not getting the information about Jimmie posted sooner.


February 5, 2009

Jim Galyan: We offer our condolences to Jim. His wife, Pat, passed away February 2, 2009.


January 19, 2009

Becky Williams (Leonard): Becky will be honored January 24, 2009, by being inducted into the Martinsville High School Alumni Hall of Fame.


January 17, 2009

Steven Hess: Steve passed away January 15, 2009.


November 17, 2008

Sharon Hasler (Allgood): Sharon passed away November 14, 2008.


August 13, 2008

Evan and Jane (McGinnis) Collinsworth: We were excited to receive news of the 2009 reunion and learn about the website! We loved reading about old friends and seeing that we have all aged gracefully. (Not Donna Johnston - she looks like she’s 20!) Evan and I remain in Richmond, Indiana. He still works for Farm Bureau Insurance (along with Terry Collier - a fishing buddy). I am retired from Richmond schools after teaching kindergarten for many years. I was blessed to stay home and raise our 4 children. Now I am blessed to help with our 7 grandchildren. Four live in Akron, Ohio, two live in Bloomington, Illinois, and one lives in Indianapolis.  The one in Indy is a girl named Evyn, after her papaw.) We still have our youngest in her fourth year at IU. Notice I did not say her senior year since we believe graduation will be another year in coming. She can’t decide what she wants to be when she grows up. We live on a farm south of Richmond and raise Black Angus cattle. I am a discussion leader in Bible Study Fellowship and Evan is a children’s leader in the men’s BSF. Evan and I look forward to celebrating our 40 year wedding anniversary next year. (My mother said it would never last!) We read with sorrow of the classmates who have passed away. Now that I know where to find this site, I will be anxious to read about all of you. I am looking forward to the reunion.The last one was so much fun! Thanks to Mike, Ken, and others for not giving up on the Class of '64!


August 13, 2008

Jacquie Alexander (Worley):  acquie and her husband are relocating to Clemson, SC.


May 10, 2008

William Johnson: William passed away May 9, 2008. He was married to classmate Connie Burkett.


May 10, 2008

Gregg Potter: Gregg passed away May 7, 2008.


April 18, 2008

Ervin Cohen: Mr. Cohen passed away April 15, 2008. He was a graphics arts teacher and athletic coach during our days at MHS.


March 30, 2008

Gary Mason: I retired from Rolls-Royce (formerly Allison's) in 2007 at the end of April after 42 years. I hired in as an inspector and was an Advanced Manufacturing Engineer when I retired. The company tried to talk me out of retirement due to a project that was starting so I retired on April 30, took a whole day off, and returned to work on May 2 as a contract employee. I worked that job until December 21 when I quit again. Karen and I bought a home in Ft. Myers, Florida, and spent the winter here. I go back to work as a contract employee again on April 7 and will work a few weeks until the grandkids get out of school for the summer. Then we plan on bouncing back and forth as much as possible taking advantage of the weather in both places. We have a daughter and 2 grandchildren in Florida as well as an aunt, uncle, and two nieces.  Having family in both places makes it really nice.  n Indiana, we have one son near Centerton and another in Indianapolis. They have provided us with 2 more grandsons and 4 more granddaughters to spoil while we are up north.


January 28, 2008

Jill Nutter (Keller): I retired at the end of the 2007 school year. I taught for 28 years and was a school administrator for 11 years. Bob and I have 3 going on 4 grandchildren. Chip has a boy and a girl, and Mimi has a little girl and is soon to have her second. (This will probably happen in the next 3 weeks.) Chip, of course, owns Keller's Office Supply. Since I retired, Bob and I have been cleaning some areas at the First Baptist Church.  We do this because the church is not in the best of financial shape and we can help "keep it afloat" this way.) I am also on the Board of Christian Education for the first time in many years. We also traveled to Hilton Head with the kids and grandkids and took a trip to Florida with my sister and her significant other. He's a very nice person, and they live in Greenwood.


January 24, 2008

Mary Beth Champlin (Featheroff): I will be retiring from teaching at the end of the 2008 school year. I started teaching in 1968 at what is now East Middle School in Martinsville. I stayed home for 13 years to raise my two children. I returned to teaching public speaking, discussion, and debate at Martinsville High School in the mid 1980's and have now taught full time for 29 years. I have been teaching the GED classes part time since 1976. I will remain the GED teacher at Martinsville High School. My husband, Dave, is also retiring this year. We will enjoy visiting more with our three grandchildren, who live in Martinsville and Chicago. We also hope to spend more time in Saftey Harbor, Florida, where we own a home. While in Saftey Harbor we will be tutoring at the Developmental Youth Center. I have had a great time teaching and look forward to more adventures.


October 5, 2007

Patricia Ann "Trish" Grosskopf: Trish passed away July 23, 2007.


July 10, 2007

Ken Addington: I know somebody keeps visiting our class website because the "hit" counter keeps going up. It must be disappointing for visitors to see the same "Class Notes" and "Photos" with each visit. I need your help to update the pages of our website. Please send me news and/or photos about yourself and pass this request along to other classmates. Thank you.


May 15, 2007

Tessa Ballinger (Blackketter): After 26 years in the MSD of Martinsville, this is my last year of teaching. I don't have specific retirement plans yet. I just plan on doing what I want to do, when I want to do it  Of course, I will spend more time with my four grandchildren. Bob and I will also do a little traveling. I currently volunteer at our church's free clinic and plan to continue. I'll probably get involved in some other volunteer work, possibly the cancer center. For the time being, I will wait awhile to decide where I'm needed most.


April 12, 2007

Ken Addington: Please note our website's e-mail address has changed to mhs1964@att.net.


February 18, 2007

Kathy Wilson (Munoz): Rebuilding continues here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina hit in August 2005. It's very slow, but ongoing and progress is made one day at a time. It's a huge undertaking, and many people still don't have any settlements from their insurance companies. In January the first law suit where homeowner policy holders sued State Farm Insurance went to court. The judgment was in favor of the homeowners much to the delight of most people who are still waiting for a settlement to start rebuilding their homes and their lives. Now, big surprise....State Farm Insurance announced it will no longer write any new homeowner insurance policies in Mississippi. So the big news down here and in other disaster prone areas of the country is "insurance reform". And anyone living here will tell you it's long overdue. We have just started on interior repairs of our home. We have moved from FEMA tarps covering the damaged portion of our roof after Katrina to having roof repairs made in February 2006. It was hard to find contractors (at least reliable ones) then, and it remains so today. We've been on the waiting list for our contractor since March 2006. He's already started on our repairs, and we'll be moving out of one part of the house, while repairs are being made, then move back when it's done. And repeat the scenario again as we move to different sections of the house. I have no idea how long this will take, but I've been living with things boxed up and waiting for this since August 2005. So, I'm looking forward to the mess, because it's the light at the end of the tunnel. So wish us luck. Our lives are forever changed, and that's not all bad. It's been difficult, but we've become stronger. And we appreciate each and every day we have. We know all too well how quickly it can be taken away. We've learned that things don't matter....people do.


February 16, 2007

Rollah Thomas Greenwood: Tom Greenwood passed away February 13, 2007.


February 1, 2007

Jane Leonard (Parks): The following letter appeared in the January 30 issue of the Reporter-Times. The letter was submitted by Alberta Leonard. Thanks to Sue Strader-Voorheis for bringing it to our attention.

Jane Leonard Parks was involved in a severe auto accident near Valparaiso on Nov. 13, 2005. She is now in a facility near Decatur, her home for many years. She would enjoy receiving cards and letters from her friends in the 1964 class of Martinsville High School.

Jane is the daughter of Max and Alberta Leonard and the sister of Dan Leonard of Bloomington and the late Jack Leonard. 

Her mailing address is Jane Leonard Parks, Golden Meadows Home, 3646 N. 200 E., Decatur, IN 46733.


January 28, 2007

Gary Mason: It still amazes me how I can live within a few miles of where I grew up and many of my classmates still live here as well and our paths never cross. I am finally going to join those lucky classmates that have already retired. I plan to retire at the end of April after over 42 years at Rolls-Royce Corporation. My wife Karen and I hope to spend more time with our 10 grandchildren. We have two in Cape Coral, FL, so we hope to spend our future winters there. We also have the two who currently live near Dallas, but are soon moving to Boston. We will now have an excuse to see the sights around the Boston area. I'd love to hear from my classmates. My e-mail address is MasonGaryL@aol.com.


January 26, 2007

Ken Addington: Help!  I need some good news to post on our Class Notes webpage. Regretfully, recent news has concerned the passing of several classmates. Your information doesn't have to be front page news or a news flash that would interrupt normal TV programming. Just update your classmates on what's going on in your life. New grandchild, career change, travel plans, retirement plans, new address, your hobby, etc. all make great items for our Class Notes webpage. A photo makes it better, but it's not necessary. E-mail me at mhs1964@att.net. Please pass this request along to other classmates.


January 25, 2007

Ronald Owens, Sr.: Ronnie passed away January 22, 2007.


December 27, 2006

Samuel Allen: Sam passed away December 25, 2006.


September 28, 2006

Raymond Kennedy: Mr. Kennedy passed away September 25, 2006.


August 7, 2006

Jerry Vogel: Nice website you've got here. I hope classmates will use it so we can recognize each other at the next reunion; who were all those old folks at the last one? I am still Supreme Director of All Bands at Martinsville West Middle School teaching many "grandbandkids." After many, many years, I relinquished my position working with the Martinsville High School Marching Artesians, and for the past three years my wife, Lisa, and I have been part-time Realtors. We have two grown, married children who live in Martinsville. Catherine is an RN working in OB and on the Medical/Surgical floor at Morgan Hospital. She and her husband, Sean, have one darling little boy, Jackson, age 2. Tom works at Morgan Hospital as well; he's the Webmaster and an administrative assistant to the CFO. He and his wife, Jen, have two boys, Dominic, age 5, who will start kindergarten in the fall, and Xander, age 23 months. We are fortunate to see them all frequently and enjoy the time spent with them. We feel very blessed living in Martinsville with our family and all the friends we have made over the years.


August 1, 2006

Kathie Ann Wilson (Munoz):  Our contractor has promised to start work in September. The materials and supplies needed to make permanent repairs to our home have finally started to arrive. You quickly learn that you're on waiting lists for everything, and you just wait until your time rolls around.


July 24, 2006

Herold (Bud) Ferrand, Jr.: Bud passed away July 22, 2006.


June 15, 2006

Kathie Ann Wilson (Munoz): We've certainly had our trials to deal with in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. However, there have also been many blessings and lessons from it as well. I feel so guilty complaining about anything involving that storm, because we were fortunate enough to keep our home. We sustained roof damage and water damage to the interior and furniture. We have a FEMA blue tarp temporary roof. Our insurance company, like most, did not want to offer much for damages. Not nearly enough to cover the cost of repairs. Through mediation, we finally reached a fair settlement about 2 weeks ago. Now we can start repairs on the house and, hopefully, get our lives back to some sort of new normal. The debris cleanup along the coast is making tremendous progress. But, there is still much left undone. The bridges that cross the Biloxi Back Bay leading to Ocean Springs, and the one from Pass Christian going to Bay St. Louis and Waveland are still out. It will be a long time before they are replaced, and they are missed so much. We are struggling to rebuild in a traditional southern coastal style. Real estate investors are buying up land to build more casinos and high rise condos. We don't want to become another Gulf Shores, and I don't think that's going to happen, because there is so much support to re-establish the traditional cultural attractions from our area. My husband, Joe, and I are currently in Phoenix, AZ, visiting with our daughter, Dee, our son-in-law, Vince, our 7 year old grandson, Vincent, Jr. ....and a new addition to the family.....our granddaughter, Katrina Elyse Jasso, born on 5/5/06. Her parents say she was conceived while visiting us in Mississippi last August before Katrina hit. They had been trying for several years to have a second child. She was an answer to our prayers....and of course, she's perfect, and beautiful. Best baby in the world. But, we are not prejudiced....at all. I've gone back to work full time. I was retired for 8 years, and started to miss the daily grind. So, I've returned to work as a worker bee rather than a supervisor. Best regards to all my classmates. Please keep in touch.


June 11, 2006

Jacquie Alexander (Worley): Tom Koons' mother passed away this last week. I'm sure he would appreciate your condolences. Tom's address is 1520 R.J. Blvd., Martinsville, IN 46151.


May 29, 2006

William Johns: Retirement life is great here in the Carolina's. Looks like I'll make 60 in June. I've lost 50 pounds since November. My 36" jeans are getting loose.


January 20, 2006

Barry Kennedy: I thought I would say hello to all of our wonderful classmates. It takes courage for all of us (at our ages) to show our faults on the internet. I sent a picture of me with my first granddaughter, Kylie, taken this past Christmas. Kylie is 11 months old and has truly stolen my heart. I'm sure all grandparents feel the same way. I hope everyone is happy and healthy, and may 2006 be your best year ever! Thanks to all of our class leaders for creating the website, allowing people to communicate, and organizing our class reunions. Martinsville and all of you will always hold a special place in my heart!


November 9, 2005

Ken Addington: Please check out the latest addition to our Photos page. We've like to add you to the page! Please send us your photo.


October 21, 2005

Ken Addington: We've replaced the Miscellaneous page with a Photos page. The page features current photos of classmates. Please send us your photo, and we'll add you to the page. Be sure to include some background information.


September 30, 2005

Kathy Wilson (Munoz): I live in Jackson County on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and we've all been severely affected by Hurricane Katrina. We are still without phone service. I'm utilizing the local Library computers to stay in touch. I'll sure be glad to have my phone service back. I miss my Internet! My husband, Joe, and I had minor damage, compared to most down here. We lost a portion of our roof and had some rain damage in the house. We also lost the roof off our shed, and carport, and some of the sides of the carport. But, our house is still very livable. My husband works at Keesler Air Force Base, and he's part of the Hurricane Recovery Team, and has been working 7/12 since Hurricane Katrina hit. Most of the news coverage has been of New Orleans, but we had much more actual hurricane damage here. Our beaches were destroyed, beachfront homes were destroyed....washed away with the 25-30' storm surge, leaving only sand, seaweed, and timber debris behind. Take care, and God Bless...cherish your day to day blessings and the routines you take for granted...they can be wiped away in a heartbeat! P.S. I would love to hear from former classmates of MHS class of 1964...stay in touch!


September 4, 2005

Ken Addington: We've added links on our home page to the web sites of MHS classes of 1962, 1963, and 1994. Enjoy your visits! Please let me know if you are aware of other MHS classes with web sites


August 28, 2005

Roger Dale Smith: Greetings – I want to add my thanks to Ken and others that participated in developing our class website. I have many fond memories from those days at MHS and I look forward to the future communications that can be shared through our site. My life has been filled like most with challenges, failures, disappointments, and successes. Fortunately, I’ve had more successes than failures and currently I’m the President of Lexicor, Inc. We are a technology company that has developed the first objective medical tool for diagnosing mental health disorders. Obviously, I’m very excited about our company’s new medical product and the benefits that it will provide towards improving mental health outcomes. My wife Elaine and I live in Augusta, GA, most of the time and we also have a home in Hilton Head, SC, which we visit frequently. My two children and grandchildren continue to reside in Indiana. Again, I look forward to the future development, stories and information that can be shared on our website. My best regards to all.


August 8, 2005

Ken Addington: Sorry! Our site has been down for a few days while the MSD of Martinsville moved it to a new server.


July 5, 2005

Barry Kennedy: We first thought Dad had Alzheimer's. Additional testing indicates he has a condition called NPH (Normal Pulmonary Hydrocephalus). It involves too much water on the brain and its symptoms are dementia, incontinence, and inability to walk normally, just baby steps shuffling. The treatment is a brain shunt that Dad had put in last fall, but unlike some patients who have immediate positive results and can attain a normal lifestyle, Dad is not doing well. If any of you would like to e-mail Dad, you can do so through me at barney@netzoola.com, or you can write Dad at Raymond Kennedy, 252 Carriage Chase Circle, Warrenton, Virginia 20186. He would be greatly thrilled to hear from the students he loved so much.


June 29, 2005

Tom Koons: Just wanted to let you know I received your post card. This is a good looking WEB site. After retiring with 30 years of military service my wife decided that I needed another job. I started in maintenance at Hydraulic Press Brick Co in 1995 and in 2002 they made me the Plant Superintendent. I have two sons, Wesley 34 and Patrick 29. Wes has 3 Daughters Maria 10, Rachel 7, and Leah 1. Pat has 1 daughter Ragen 6mo. Boy it is fun to spoil grandchildren and send them home to Mom & Dad. I hope we can make the next reunion. We would like to see everybody again.


June 20, 2005

Mike Telfer: As I suspected; I like the site.


June 20, 2005

Pam Guinn: I just got to work and was excited to see us on line.


June 20, 2005

Mary Beth Champlin (Featherolf): Thanks for sending me this. I really enjoyed looking at your efforts. Maybe I can make the next reunion.


June 20, 2005

Gary Mason: I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the time and effort of those that made this website possible. It all seems like so long ago and yet just the other day. Thanks again.


June 20, 2005

Jill Nutter (Keller): The website looks good!


June 20, 2005

Joan Musgrave (Miller): Please add me to the mailing list, would love to keep abreast of what is happening with everyone. I enjoyed the reunion last year, just sorry that so many decided not to attend. At this age, it is exciting to see and hear from anyone and everyone-just glad to be alive!


June 20, 2005

Jacquie Alexander (Worley): I'm really glad to see you online! I am terrible at snail mail, but keep up pretty well on e-mail. I am a now retired Spanish instructor who taught at Clemson University in South Carolina and Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. My husband is Director of Engineering for Square D Company. We have been married for almost 37 years. During that time we have moved fifteen times. I personally love moving. Right now we live in Murfreesboro, TN. We have two children--Mike 32 and Christy 29. Mike has one daughter, Caila, 18 months old. Christy has two daughters. Disney is 2 1/2 and Alexandra is 10 months old. Mike and Amy live in South Carolina, and Christy and Tom live too far away on Martha's Vineyard, MA. I'm looking forward to checking the website regularly. Thanks again.


June 20, 2005

Brenda Swafford (Crowe): Hi. Ron and I have been married 35 years. We have three children and two grandsons. God has blessed us greatly. I hope I can make the next reunion. Thanks for letting me know about the wet site. Bye for now.


June 20, 2005

Sue Lowry (Swinney): I just received the postcard about the new website. This is really great to have. Good thinking for us old people. I am going to enjoy this new site.


June 20, 2005

RoseMary Hacker (Bronstetter):  Hi Class of 1964.  I attended the 40th class reunion, but my personal information has changed.  Thought I would send an update.  Nice to visit on the web now.  Thanks.


June 20, 2005

William A. Johns:  I've relocated to North Carolina.  Thanks for creating a website.


June 20, 2005

John C. Sachs:  Please note that I have moved from Florida to Farwell, MI, to get away from the hurricanes in Florida.  Thank You!!  And best wishes to all of class of '64.


June 20, 2005

Ken Addington:  I retired after 34 years as an elementary school teacher and principal in the MSD of Martinsville.  My wife and I enjoy traveling, "spoiling" the grandchildren, and having adequate time to do nothing.  Last spring, we "got our Kicks on Route 66" by traveling from Chicago to Los Angeles on the old road wherever possible.