School Story
First, let me say to any of you who might read this that I really appreciate our reunion committee for doing such a great job providing a wonderful weekend of activities and, food, music, honoring our wonderful veterans , honoring all those we have lost,, and allowing all of us to enjoy chatting and enjoying each other's presence and company this last fall. It was fantastic to see so many classmates attend and your spouses/partners/friends. I loved our class so much that it was a big thrill to be able to reunite another time and especially on our 50th anniversary.
Our class was blessed with so many talented students from the fine arts, the technical fields, the athletes, drama. orchestra, band, choir, the clubs, etc., and we had some of the best teachers that any school could ever have, I was so impressed by the skills, personalities, all the physical and mental talents that all of you had, and more than anything I will always appreciate how nicely all of you treated me considering the tenuous position I was in with Dad being our principal. If any of you ever felt that I was aloof or unfriendly or disrespectful to you, I am forever apologetic because I would never have done that to you on purpose. In fact , if anything, there was a shy side of my personality that kept me from being as outgoing , funny, gregarious, and dynamic as many of you were with your natural personality traits. I know some of you might feel I am being very introspective and deep in this section, but I am a very, very emotional and caring person at heart and I have missed those years even though some of you may have not enjoyed high school at all.
Lastly let me say that I will always cherish the basketball players (10-12) in, especially ours, that allowed us to have a run through the season and tournament that very few teams have ever had in the history of the school. Having said that, I would be remiss to not thank our managers, our pep band, our great student support including the approximately 300 members of the cheer block, our wonderful cheerleaders, and any of you who supported the team on our magic ride. if I have accidently forgotten anyone, I am sorry. As I write this if I sound emotional , I am, because all of you played an important role in my developmental years and I will always cherish and adore all of you for that gift. God willing, I hope all of us will be able to gather again in five more years. Take care and be safe!! Barry Kennedy