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In Memory

Alfredo Hoyos

(The information below was found on a Spanish language version of Wikipedia. Using Google Translate from Spanish to English provided the following results.)

Alfredo Hoyos Mazuera was born in the city of Pereira in 1946, son of poultry businessman Alfredo Hoyos Mejía and Fantina Mazuera. From his youth he was interested in the business world and in 1977, after participating in the creation of several companies and helped by his wife Liliana Restrepo, he founded a pizzeria in his hometown called Frisby, achieving repercussion due to the novelty of his product. To give variety to his gastronomic offer, Mazuera decided to implement fried chicken to his menu after a trip to the United States, where he was able to experience the rise of restaurants such as KFC. There he acquired a special fryer and implemented it in his restaurant. This fried chicken recipe became a success in Pereira and gained popularity in other nearby cities such as Manizales and Armenia, spreading to the main cities of Colombia in the late 1990s.

The chain managed to consolidate itself until it was present in more than fifty cities in Colombia, with nearly 270 stores in operation. Operating as a financial company, it currently owns the franchise of the Sarku Japan and Cinnabon brands in Colombia. Hoyos was also linked to companies in the poultry sector such as Impavicol, Avicola del Pacifico, Procodes, and Avinco. On November 26, 2020 he was awarded the Business Life and Work Award by Portafolio Magazine.

The businessman died on December 14, 2020 on his farm in Pereira at the age of seventy-four, after battling an illness for several years. The news was confirmed on social media by the Government of the department of Risaralda: "Today Risaralda, the country and the world mourn the departure of a man who was an example of entrepreneurship and business innovation and a defender of quality education as a tool for social transformation."